
CPD: Quality management

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  1. Any correlation between how clients & MC’s select their supply chain and a relentless squeeze on bid prices, and the rise in quality issues.

    Despite all the management waste built into the ‘traditional procurement’ approach, the main squeeze is felt by those actually doing the work. I’m not surprised there are more issues, but I’m not sure adding more overhead by itself is the best solution

  2. The implementation of a Quality Management system within any organisation, would actually lower overhead costs, allow those carrying out tasks to be more efficient (which should translate to greater profitability), and increase the capacity to tender for more attractive projects.
    If those companies, or individuals, along the supply chain (such as subcontractors, suppliers or consultants) implemented a Quality Management system themselves, then they would also realise all of the advantages that brings.
    A quality led approach can benefit right from the tendering process, through to construction, handover and onto learning and tendering for the next project.

    Owen Harkin

  3. It was very amazing project! which let me learning about project the facilitate project management!

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