
Put the focus on professionalism so construction can take wing

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  1. At heart what Chris Blythe says is correct. But, there is key difference between construction and flying – if a pilot does a poor job he or she will probably get killed, in construction someone else suffers. Thus whilst pilots have every incentive to be professional, construction is reliant upon the honesty and ethics of individuals.

    With regards to Grenfell it would be interesting to know how many certified or professionally qualified individuals worked on the cladding project and if any of those individuals have had their accreditation reviewed or revoked by the certifying body or institute. And, whether those bodies have been pro-active in identifying these people or will only act if a complaint is made against an individual.

  2. Paul, you are quite correct, being professional in construction relies upon the individual having a sense of ethics and integrity.

    The problem is, individuals are subject to pressure, being manipulated, and ultimately fired.We only have to look to the NHS to what happens to those who step out of line, and the blacklisting by the ‘Consulting Association’ is a warning that those who have done so, can be treated very harshly.

    The industry really needs regulation, and enforcement of those regulations that exist. It is quite ridiculous that it seems to rely on people being prepared to create trouble for themselves (and suffer what may be significant consequence) to stop situations like Grenfell occuring.

    I say that as an Architect working on a project highlighting deficiencies in the fire design, that 22 months after presenting to the lead designers the issues found in a review I carried out on BS 9999 compliance, has seen little attempt by the consultants to take ownership of their design packages, most it seems hoping ‘the contractor will sort it out through shop drawings’.

    If I’ve had anything, its faint praise for sticking my neck out, if not simply an attitude that I’m probably wrong so should be ignored.

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