CIOB Community

CIOB Business Development Board vacancies

The CIOB’s Business Development Board is seeking new candidates. There are three open roles: one UK member and two international members. Terms are for three years.

The board’s chair, Jean Duprez, also director of Duprez Consulting and Women into Construction, said: “The Business Development Board is represented by a diverse group of passionate individuals that cover a broad range of disciplines within our industries.”

Members are required to attend four meetings annually, spend eight hours reading annually and have input into projects and strategy.

To apply, email your CV and a covering letter detailing the role you have applied for and why you would be suitable to become a representative (no more than one page) in confidence to [email protected] by 10 July 2020.

Successful candidates will be invited to attend a telephone interview on 16/17 July 2020.

The first BDB meeting will be held in August, with the date and location to be confirmed.

Story for CM? Get in touch via email: [email protected]

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